CSS Tutorial: Flexbox in CSS.

Creating Responsive Designs with CSS Flexbox


5 min read

CSS Tutorial: Flexbox in CSS.

With the help of CSS Flexbox, developers can quickly construct intricate and dynamic layouts without having to rely on floats or other layout workarounds. Flexbox is a crucial technique for adaptable web design since it allows developers to align, space out, and distribute items within a container. In this post, we'll examine CSS Flexbox's foundational elements, including its essential attributes and how they interact to produce flexible layouts.

What is Flexbox?

Flexbox, a CSS layout style, offers a more effective approach to arranging, aligning, and dividing space among things in a container. All contemporary browsers currently mostly support it; it was first introduced in CSS3. For the Flexbox model to function, a container must be divided into flexible rows or columns so that items may be distributed and aligned inside them.

Flexbox has gained popularity as a layout option in contemporary web design because it enables responsive designs that instantly adapt to various screen sizes and resolutions.

Properties of Flexbox

The main axis and the cross axis are the two axes that Flexbox uses to divide a container. The fundamental axis along which flex objects are placed is known as the main axis. It can be either vertical (a column) or horizontal (a row). The axis that runs parallel to the main axis is known as the cross axis. It is used to align objects either vertically or horizontally and runs perpendicular to the main axis. The size and positioning of each flex item included in a flex container may be altered using Flexbox attributes.

Flex Container Properties

Use the display property with a value of flex or inline-flex to make an element into a flex container. Other significant attributes that can be applied to a flexible container include the following:

  1. 'flex-direction'

    The main axis's direction is determined by the flex-direction attribute. Row, row-reverse, column, or column-reverse are the possible settings. It is initially set to row.

  2. 'justify-content'

    With the justify-content property, flex items are centered on the primary axis. Flex-start, flex-end, center, space-between, space-around, or space-evenly are all options.

  3. 'align-items'

    Flex items are aligned along the cross-axis via the align-items attribute. It may be configured to stretch, baseline, center, or flex-start.

  4. 'flex-wrap'

    If flex items overflow the container, the flex-wrap property specifies whether or not they should wrap. It may be configured to wrap, wrap-reverse, or wrap. It is set to wrap by default.

  5. 'align-content'

    When there is additional room in the container, the align-content property aligns the flex lines (rows or columns) along the cross-axis. It may be configured to stretch, space between, space around, center, or flex-start.

            display: flex;
            margin: 2px;
            border: 2px solid black;
            padding: 26px;
            flex-direction: row;
            justify-content: space-evenly;
            align-items: center;
            align-content: center;
            flex-wrap: wrap;

Flex Item Properties

A flex container's child components are flex items. The following significant attributes can be applied to flex items:

  1. 'order'

    The order of the flex elements within the container is determined by the order attribute. It is a number with a default value of 0.

  2. 'flex-grow'

    A flex item's ability to grow concerning other flex items in a container is determined by the flex-grow attribute. It is a number with a default value of 0.

  3. 'flex-shrink'

    A flex item's ability to shrink concerning other flex items in a container is determined by the flex-shrink attribute. It is a numeric number with a 1 as the default.

  4. 'flex-basis'

    Before any flex-grow or flex-shrink modifications are done, the starting size of a flex item is specified by the flex-basis property. It can be set to a percentage or a fixed number. It is initially set to auto.

  5. 'flex'

    Flex-grow, flex-shrink, and flex-basis are all components of the flex shorthand property. It is used to simultaneously set all three attributes.

  6. 'align-self'

    A flex item can override the align-items property on the flex container by using the align-self property. It may be configured to stretch, center, baseline, flex-start, or auto. It is initially set to auto.

     .item {
       order: 0; /* Default */
       order: 1;
       flex-grow: 1;
       flex-shrink: 2;
       flex-basis: 100px;
       /* flex: 1 0 auto; */
       align-self: center;


A strong tool for designing flexible and dynamic layouts is CSS Flexbox. Developers may construct responsive designs that automatically adapt to various screen sizes and resolutions because of how easily elements are distributed within a container and how easily elements are aligned within a container.

Flexbox is a crucial component of any contemporary web design toolkit since it allows developers to easily construct complex layouts by knowing its fundamental ideas and characteristics.

Flexbox is not always the ideal option for every layout issue, it should be noted. CSS Grid could be a preferable option for layouts that are more complicated or when elements need to be placed outside of their parent container.

However, CSS Flexbox is a must-have tool in the toolbox of every web developer because of its simple and intuitive layout options. Developers can make gorgeous, responsive designs that function on a range of devices and screen sizes by integrating them with other CSS methods and frameworks like media queries and Bootstrap.

If you're unfamiliar with Flexbox, we suggest playing around with it in your projects to get a sense of how it functions. You may also learn the ideas and methods involved by using the numerous internet resources and tutorials that are accessible.

Finally, CSS Flexbox is a strong and adaptable feature that enables the development of dynamic and responsive layouts simpler than before. Flexbox is a crucial component of any contemporary web design toolkit since it allows developers to easily construct complex layouts by knowing its fundamental ideas and characteristics.